see my Google Scholar Profile here
45. Fakhraee, M., Crockford, P.W., Bauer, K., Pasquier, V., Sugiyama, I., Katsev, S., Raven, M., Gomes, M., Philippot P., Crowe, S., Tarhan, L., Lyons, T., Planavsky, N., The History of Earth’s Sulfur Cycle. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment
44. Santos, R.F., Sansjofre, P., Noguiera, A., Crockford, P.W., Uhlein, G., Fogret, L., Periera, F., Romero, G., and Lalonde, S. 2024. Rare earth elements as indicators of post-Marinoan (∼635 Ma) paleoceanographic changes from the Amazon Craton. Precambrian Research.
43. Mayfield K., Horner, T., Torfstein, A., Auro, M., Crockford, P.W., and Paytan, A. 2024. Barium Cycling in the Gulf of Aqaba. Frontiers in Earth Sciences.
Press: The New York Times: Exactly how much life is on Earth? by Dennis Overbye
Press: Science Magazine
25. MacLennan, S.M., Eddy, M.P., Merschat, A., Mehra, A., Crockford, P.W., Maloof, A.C., Southworth, S., Schoene, B. Geologic Evidence for an icehouse before the Sturtian global glaciation Science Advances
24. Hodgskiss, M.S.W., Sansjofre, P., Kunzmann, M., Sperling, E.A., Cole, D.B., Crockford, P.W., Gibson, T.M., Halverson, G.P. A high-TOC shale in low productivity world: the late Mesoproterozoic Arctic Bay Formation, Nunavut Earth and Planetary Science Letters
23. Planavsky, N.J., Reinhard, C.T., Isson, T.T., Ozaki, K., Crockford, P.W. Large Mass-Independent Oxygen Isotope Fractionations in Mid-Proterozoic Sediments: Evidence for a Low-Oxygen Atmosphere? Astrobiology
22. *Hodgskiss, M.S.W., *Crockford, P.W., Peng, Y., Wing, B.A., Horner, T.J., A Productivity Collapse to end Earth’s Great Oxidation. PNAS. (*co-first author)
21. Crockford, P.W., Wing, B.A., Paytan, A., Hodgskiss, M.S.W., Bitterwolf, K.K., Hayles, J., Middleton, J.M., Ahm, A.S., Johnston, D.T., Caxito, F.A., Uhlein G., Halverson G.P., Eickmann, B., Torres, M., Horner, T.J., Ba-isotopic constraints on the origin of post-Marinoan barites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 519, p. 234-244.
20. Crockford, P.W., Kunzmann, M., Bekker, A., Hayles, J., Bao, H., Halverson G.P., Peng, Y., Bui, T.H., Cox, G., Gibson T.M., Worndle, S., Rainbird, R., Lepland, A., Swanson-Hysell, N., Master, S., Sreevanis, B., Kuznetsov, A., Krupenik, V., Wing, B.A., Claypool Continued: Extending the isotopic record of sedimentary sulfate. Chemical Geology, 514 pp. 200-225
19. Pellerin, A., Antler, G., Agner Holm, S., Findlay, A., Crockford, P.W., Turchyn, A.V., Jorgensen, B.B., Finster, K. Large Sulfur Isotope Fractionation by Bacterial Sulfide Oxidation. Science Advances
18. Worndle, S.W., Crockford, P.W., Kunzmann, M., Bui, T.H., Halverson, G.P. Linking the Bitter Springs Carbon Isotope Anomaly and Early Neoproterozoic Oxygenation through I/(Ca + Mg) Ratios. Chemical Geology
17. Gibson T.M., Worndle, S., Crockford, P.W., Bui, T.H., Creaser, R., Halverson G.P., accepted Radiogenic isotope chemostratigraphy reveals marine and non-marine depositional environments in the late Mesoproterozoic Borden Basin, Arctic Canada. GSA Bulletin
16. Ward, W.P., Strauss, J.V., Johnson, B.G., McClelland, W.C., Colpron, M., von Gosen, W., Piepjohn, K., Cobble, M., Crockford, P.W., Landis, J., Perez, J.L. Age, geochemistry and significance of Devonian felsic magmatism in the north slope terrane, Yukon. GSA Special Papers
15. Nelson, L.L., Strauss, J.V., Crockford, P.W., Cox, G.M., Johnson, B.W., Ward, W., Colpron, M., McClelland, W.C., and Macdonald, F.A. accepted Geochemical constraints on the provenance of pre-Mississippian sedimentary rocks in the North Slope of Yukon and Alaska. GSA Special Papers
14. Crockford, P.W., Hayles, J.A., Bao, H., Planavsky, N.J., Bekker, A., Fralick, P., Halverson, G.P., Bui, T.H., Peng, Y., Wing, B.A., Triple Oxygen Isotope Evidence for Limited mid-Proterozoic Primary Productivity. Nature 559 p. 613-161
13. Crockford, P.W., Hodgskiss, M.S.W., Uhlein, G., Caxito, F., Hayles, J. A., Halverson, G.P., Linking Paleocontinents through triple oxygen isotope anomalies. Geology 46(2) 179-182
12. Gong, S., Peng, Y., Bao, H., Feng, D., Cao, X., Crockford, P.W., Chen, D., Triple sulfur-isotope relationships during sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 504 p. 13-20
11. Planavsky, N.J., Cole, D.B., Isson, T.T., Reinhard, C.T., ,Crockford, P.W., Sheldon, N., Lyons, T.W., A Case for low atmospheric oxygen levels during Earth's middle history. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
10. Lang, X., Shen, B., Peng, Y., Xiao, S., Zhou, C., Bao, H., Kaufman, A.J., Huang, K., Crockford, P.W., Liu, Y., Tang, W., Ma, H., Transient marine euxinia at the end of the terminal Cryogenian glaciation. Nature Communications
9. Gibson, T.M., Shih, P.M., Cumming, V.M., Fischer, W.W., Crockford, P.W., Hodgskiss, M.S.W., Worndle, S., Creaser, R.A., Rainbird, R.H., Skulski, T.M., Halverson, G.P., Precise age of Bangiomorpha Pubescens dates the emergence of eukaryotic photosynthesis. Geology 46(2) 135-138
8. Horner, T. J., Pryer, H. V., Nielsen, S. G., Crockford, P.W., Gauglitz, J. M., Wing, B. A., Ricketts, R. D. accepted Pelagic Barite Precipitation at micromolar ambient Sulphate. Nature Communications, 8, p. 1342
7. Macdonald F.A., Karabinos, P.M., Crowley, J.L., Hodgin, E.B., Crockford, P.W., Delano, J., 2017 Bridging the gap between the foreland and hinterland II: Geochronology and tectonic setting of Ordovician magmatism and basin formation on the Laurentian Margin of New England and Newfoundland. American Journal of Science, 317, pp. 555-596
6. Kunzmann, M., Bui, T.H., Crockford, P.W., Halverson, G.P., Scott, G.P., Lyons, T.W., Wing, B.A., 2017 Bacterial sulfur disproportionation constrains timing of Neoproterozoic oxygenation. Geology, 45, pp. 207-210
5. *Crockford, P.W., *Cowie, B.R., Johnston, D.T., Hoffman, P.F., Sugiyama, I., Pellerin, A., Bui, T.H., Hayles, J., Halverson, G.P., Macdonald, F.A. and Wing, B.A., 2016. Triple oxygen and multiple sulfur isotope constraints on the evolution of the post-Marinoan sulfur cycle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 435, pp.74-83. (co-first author)
4. Hoffman, P.F., Bellfroid, E.J., Crockford, P.W., de Moor, A., Halverson, G.P., Hodgin, E.B., Hodgskiss, M.S.W., Holtzman, B.K., Jasechko, G.R., Johnson, B.W., Lamothe, K.G., 2016. A misfit Cryogenian diamictite in the Vrede domes, Northern Damara Zone, Namibia: Chuos (Sturtian) or Ghaub (Marinoan) Formation? Moraine or Paleovalley? Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia, 17, pp. 1-16
3. Cox, G.M., Jarret, A., Edwards, D., Crockford, P.W., Halverson, G.P., Collins, A.S., Poirier, and Li, Z.X., 2016. Basin redox and primary productivity within the Mesoproterozoic Roper Seaway. Chemical Geology, 440, pp.101-114.
2. Canil, D., Crockford, P.W., Rossin, R., and Telmer, K., 2015. Mercury in some arc crustal rocks and mantle peridotites and relevance to the moderately volatile element budget of the Earth. Chemical Geology, 396, pp.134-142.
1. Crockford, P.W., Telmer, K. and Best, M., 2014. Dissolution kinetics of Devonian carbonates at circum-neutral pH, 50 bar pCO2, 105˚C, and 0.4 M: The importance of complex brine chemistry on reaction rates. Applied Geochemistry, 41, pp. 128-134